
Baphuon is a single sanctuary temple

The Baphuon temple was built around 1060, before the royal city of Angkor Thom was built around it. Largely collapsed and in ruined condition, the main temple area is undergoing extensive restoration and is not open to the public. The exterior entry gate and elevated walkway are open. Note the unique animal carvings at the walkway entrance, and the large reclining Buddha on the west side, added to the temple at a much later period. Most people like it in Cambodia tour.

Baphuon is a single sanctuary temple – mountain situated on a high base. It was a symbolism of Moun Meru. A rectangular sandstone wall measuring (425 ms long x 125 ms wide)(1394 x 410 feet) enclosed the temple. A sandstone bridge which linked to the main temple’s (200 ms long x 2 ms wide x 1.5 ms high). It was supported by 3 rows of short sandstone columns. And it was flanked by two rectangular pools but nowadays it dries up. If we pass the two rectangular sandstone base with 5 levels that’s re approximately the same size; the first; second; and third levels; are surrounded by sandstone galleries. Baphuon was the first structure in which stone galleries with a central tower appear. There were originally connected by an elevated walkway supported by columns. The gallery of the enclosure collapsed and; at a later date; the stones from it were modeled into the shape of reclining Buddha that spans the length of the west wall the head’s on the left; facing the temple. It’s an abstract form and outline of this Buddha’s difficult to distinguish. A stairway leading in the summit begins in the middle of the Buddha.

